Conspiracies: What’s True, What’s Almost True, and What’s Garbage

Call it getting older, or call it being able to see through the ethers and just take a good look at what’s actually there. But however you slice it — I just can’t stomach the outburst of conspiracy prattle. It’s everywhere — Facebook, Huff post — conspiracy is the new tabloid journalism. You can’t prove it but people buy into it so it sells copies. And thus it rolls.

Yes, yes, I know — it’s all part of the plan, part of this 2013 polarization energy that is finishing work of the 2012 transition — and those folks who have chosen fear will roll off into their illusion-driven worlds where it’s all gonna go to hell at any minute anyway. And sure, there are conspiracies that are real, and I love a good mystery. But what used to be hushed conspiracy in “your mother’s basement” is now considered hipster-chic, and it’s just so ridiculously boring — all of it. In the 1990’s, we had urban legends. In 2013, we have the urban legend off of it’s Prozac, or — the conspiracy theory.

Paranoia has once again become the new black.

Paranoia is a powerful and addictive drug. It’s been around a long time, and it’s very effect. It’s one of the most effective means of crowd control, actually, which I find highly ironic as all the hipster chic conspiracy folks claim that we are all mind-controlled by the Illuminati. Hey, hipster dude dressing like a homeless person but driving your mom’s beat-up Audi, here’s a thought: Maybe the plan was to let all the hipster chic’ers go bonkers in their own paranoia and cripple themselves beneath their own distrust of their own shadow — so no progress can be made sociologically since we’re all too busy freaking out about stratus clouds someone is calling a “Chem Trail”?

That seems to be working.  Keep falling in line, hipster chic’ers. You’re taking the bait from “the man” brilliantly. How’s THAT for a conspiracy theory? Actually, it’s not “the man” that fuels these inane conspiracies but Darkness, trying to keep people distracted within their own bubble. And it works. So if it ain’t broke, why fix it?

Paranoia drove the Salem Witch hunts and the Hollywood communist blacklist authored by McCarthyism. It wasn’t hip then and it’s not hip now. It’s dark and it spreads like cancer. So here’s the deal. As someone who can actually see through the ethers and look into ingredients in the world, let me finally put to rest some of the most obnoxious conspiracy theories to date. Because honestly. I just can’t take one more hipster chic rant on facebook. And for those hipster chic’ers that are going to label me as part of the “Corporate Plants” who are here to “numb humanity into being sheep”, you’re going to have to get in line behind the very creative folks who believe that I’m an alien-human hybrid, the folks who think I’m an occultist, and the Christian author who cited me in his book as a hack who couldn’t tell a demon from an angel. Just remember, hipster chic’ers, when you go to write about what a drone I am, my last name starts with “E”, not “A”. This is a common mistake people make and I’d hate to see all your hard-earned blogs get ignored by Google when people search “Danielle Agnew”.

So let’s get to debunking with a Clairvoyant Spy-Cam, shall we? Let’s start with the five top conspiracies that are complete and total hogwash:

1) Sandy Hook Elementary Conspiracy

Premise: The whole shooting was fake since no bodies were shown on TV, the parents and people who have been interviewed are actors, and the whole thing was orchestrated by The Illuminati to ruin our nation by starting an internal war based on a gun ban.

Real or false? FALSE

Debunk: Sandy Hook was a horrific tragedy, the product of a broken young man. I, and countless people in my field, felt the heinous and heartbreaking ripple created by that event in every cell of our beings. It was crippling and took our breath away. Anyone who actually believes this particular conspiracy theory is so bitter that I can taste them from here. The Illuminati (which is real) has no desire to get a civil war going in the USA. That would be counterintuitive to the Illuminati’s goal, which is, and has been, in play for thousands of years: Global control through controlling global finances and the flow of commerce. Civil War in a Superpower throws too many cogs in the financial machine, has an unpredictable outcome, and sucks too many resources.  If anyone sees this particular conspiracy come across your facebook wall — you may consider suggesting professional help for the friend who is passing it along. On a scale of one to ten, one being the least and ten being the greatest on the “Conspiracy Started By A Completely Inane Tool” scale — this conspiracy theory is a big fat ten.

2) Barack Obama is a secret Muslim Communist Extremist Plant and part of the Illuminati Conspiracy

Premise: President Obama is part of the Illuminati who was planted here to enact a war on Christianity by then mandating Islam as the U. S. National Religion, which would result in a Communist takeover of the country.

Real of False? FALSE

Debunk: Obama is a dude from Hawaii. Get over it, people. Not everybody has to like every president. But to mask racism and paranoia in wonky wrappers like religion is just flat-out embarrassing. Plus, The Illuminati doesn’t do world leaders. I hate to challenge the Conspiratist Religion, here, but NONE of the eight members of the Illuminati counsel are world leaders. The Illuminati is way above President Obama’s pay grade. The Illuminati doesn’t do world governments because there are too many moving pieces. Again, let me say this: The Illuminati does global financial flow. They always have. I hope someone is writing that on a post-it note and smacking it into their Conspiratist Bible.

3) The Illuminati is going to throw us all in FEMA Death Camps to thin out the population so they will be able to have more food and water as the planet heats up Conspiracy

Premise: Secret FEMA Camps are springing up all over the country so that when we are enacted with a plague that is spread through mandated vaccines, we will be herded up like cattle with tanks and soldiers to die unless a person is on an “exempt” list — which is indicated by a colored dot placed on your mailbox… green or blue means you’re exempt, yellow means you may be rounded up, and red means you’re headed for the FEMA Death Camp.

Real of False? FALSE

Debunk: Those dots on your mailboxes are from paperboys, you guys. The dots tell the carriers who has paid and who hasn’t, and indicate route changes. Nothing FEMA about it. Those camps that everybody is putting all over You Tube are plots of land already owned by the government where they have dump the overflow crap that they buy in pork spending bills. The “coffin liners” that were stored in the bazillions all over these storage lots in the south were indeed coffin liners that the US Military had purchased in HUGE bulk — because we’ve been in a WAR for ten years. Thank God there were extras, in this case. All the video of trains carrying miles of tanks somewhere — guys, again — do I need to really point out that we were in a war for ten years in Iraq? And we’re still in Afghanistan and who knows where else? Those tanks were getting loaded onto carriers and shipped over to the middle east. Paranoia will destroy ya. Plus, the Illuminati doesn’t benefit from killing off the populations who are the worker bees in their mill. That would be like the Pharoah killing off the slaves before the pyramid was built. Probably not gonna happen.

4) The Illuminati is genetically engineering our food to make us more stupid so we are easily mind controlled Conspiracy

Premise: The Illuminati is genetically tweaking our food so that the human brain does not receive the nutrients necessary to process higher functions, nor nourish the human immune system in order to keep the body healthy, in an attempt to control crowds.

True of False? FALSE…ish

Debunk: The Illuminati deals in FINANCES. WORLD FINANCIAL FLOW. Not food. However, the MONSANTO company and others are most definitely tweaking our food genetically in order to weed out nutrients for the sole purpose of selling more medication when our immune systems and mental states take a dump. MONSANTO is, indeed, attempting to keep money in it’s pockets by developing a physically and mentally sick America. And that sucks completely. So BOO Monsanto, who also owns not only food stuffs companies — but pharmaceutical companies. Now there’s a shocker. Corporate corruption is not the Illuminati. They are two different animals. So, grow as much food as you can using seeds that you’ve ordered from over seas. Most of our produce here in the USA, unless the seeds come from a generations-old organic farm, is the product of genetic engineering. The same gene tampering that takes out “smell” so that the plant won’t attract bugs also takes out the gene that wants to make the plant rot. That gene, however, also contains incredibly valuable enzymes and minerals that are now lost to the DNA. Welcome to space-aged farming.

5) Chem Trails are being dumped on the US Populations by the US Military in order to spread disease and thin out the US population groups Conspiracy

Premise: Really big military planes fly waaaaaay high up in the sky and dump toxic chemicals out into the jet stream in an attempt to spread diseases and keep the American public weak with illness so that we are unable to speak out for social change.

True or False? FALSE…ish

Debunk: The US Military is not trying to make people sick with a secret, evil spray. They are, however, dumping some weird stuff up there. Some of it is ion and mildly irradiated particle markers that they are using as “marking tape” for satellite tracking experiments. They use the jet stream to see how diluted the “marker” can get before the satellite loses the tracer. The other stuff is in an attempt to get rid of questionable solvents — failed chemical experiments, etc —  by catching the jet stream and having the jet stream “dilute” the particle matter by spreading it all over and keeping it moving up above the earth in the global winds so that the matter doesn’t settle below and make people sick. They can’t burn it close to the ground — people would breath it. Sometimes, some of that junk does settle, and from what I’ve tracked it causes respiratory distress mostly. But like the radiation still leaking into the sea from the Fukashima Nuclear plant in Japan, the irradiated particles are one per billion parts of water, so it’s not as dire. Unless of course you’re a Tuna, living right off the coast of Japan and eating the fish that are hugging the shoreline at Fukashima who are breathing the irradiated water. Whoops, looks like the California Sushi community may be glowing in the dark before too long.

…Now that we’ve straightened that out, lets talk about why this outlandish rubbish is actually getting any traction whatsoever beside sheer freakshow value, and that Preppers love Cabella’s.

As this truth energy of 2013 spreads throughout the veins of society, it trips triggers in individuals. It causes us to grow, as many people experienced in 2012, with many of my clients citing 2012 as the “hardest emotional year ever”. To have truth energy presented to a person means that an individual must then own their own truth. Like attracts Like in the spiritual universe, so while the earth is getting doused in a polarizing 2013 truth serum, it creates a personal domino-effect.

This gets confusing for many people as we are taught to “fall in”, not “be truthful” with others, with life, or most often — with ourselves. Sometimes, when dealing in excavating our own truth from the ruins at the base of our sense of self, that gets scary. I mean, who really wants to look in the mirror and see a selfish ol’ troll staring back? None of us do. So we tend to buy our best press over the years until we barely recognize the person we’re looking at in the mirror. Eventually, this practice, though harmless at first, catches up with us. When we finally realize we have become a caricature of ourselves, our little “truth-o-meter” gets flipped and we begin second-guessing our belief system. Because after all, if we could believe something to the point of buying untruths in ourselves — what untruths are floating around in the world that have hooked us, line and sinker?

Enter the flood of conspiracies, fueled by compelling YouTube videos and facebook pages. Again, I’m all for getting truth out there, and there are definitely conspiracies that are true. But this whole “some big evil Illuminati thing is going to come and eat me in my sleep” fear is actually the personification of “the predator”, or — where human beings “go”, mentally, when we feel out of control. We create an exterior monster so that the interior monster has a mirror in which to see itself. It’s intriguing to me how the big bad ol’ Illuminati is always going to be responsible for genocide, it’s going to poison us in our sleep, herd us into camps, tweak our food — the Illuminati has become the 21st century Sea Monster.

The sad part is that while we are losing our minds over this mythology of extinction at the hand of a faceless, invisible beast, we are losing valuable energy out into the ethers that could be used to ACTUALLY bring about change. It does no one any good to rant about this or that with absolutely no plan in place to change what one is ranting about. To complain and rally constantly over “the injustice of it all” yet not seek a way to build a better system is to be part of the problem. We fear the genocidal tenancies of the Illuminati because we fear our own societal lack of compassion. We fear being caught unprepared by the Illuminati because we are not prepared most of the time. We fear our freedoms will be taken away because we feel it’s okay to take other people’s freedoms away, such as denying same-sex couples the right to legally marry because some people think it’s creepy.

By our definition — we ARE the Illuminati. We are the monsters.

The Illuminati has become the poster child for everything we fear in ourselves. Yes, there is a group of eight people (I can’t actually vouch that two of the eight are human, but they look human) who are the actual “Illuminati”. But they aren’t what we think they are. What we recognize at “The Illuminati” is actually widespread deep corporate corruption and deceit executed by many everyday people, not a special, evil group. Perhaps that is why we fear the persona of “The Illuminati” so much — because we realize the corporate sociopath is not the few, but the many. That energy is also Darkness, and will find a conduit, or a channel, any way that it can. It always has and it always will. Our age is no different in this regard. We just hear more about the corruption thanks to social media. And, the good news is, with arriving at the event horizon of 2012, all this negative “corruption” energy is on the way out.

Which is why those who are so addicted to the dysfunction are swearing by every conspiracy they can get their hands on, at record speed. Anything to keep the Church of Paranoia alive.

We should always speak out against corruption. Yet to become nothing more than a voice that is always speaking out, not backed by action,  is also to become a press agent for the corruption. Darkness is powerless against action but it is fueled by word of mouth. That’s an important piece of the puzzle to remember. Simply banging the gong of negativity does nothing to fix the problem. Though it’s good to vent, too much venting then becomes pollution that all must breathe.

So as we venture further into 2013, where the energy of truth will strip away all pretense and lies from those who sought to lord over others in tyranny, we will see a fascinating transformation in the human species: How we chose to handle forgiveness.

Let’s take Lance Armstrong’s debacle for instance. That guy was known to be a bully and, well, just not very nice. He even dumped his own girlfriend when she had cancer. Kind of cold, as a cancer survivor himself. Obviously, poor Lance was living a lie, and a dangerously dichotomous one at that, and somewhere in his spiritual psyche, he sent a flare up into Creation, begging something or someone to save him from what he’d become. Now, the Universe has been trying to do this for years, with lawsuits against him and people coming forward saying that the guy was lying. But each time, he rejected the lesson, until he belly-flopped into the polarizing energies of 2013, where every bit of wrong action we’ve been attempting to hide is going to come flooding in. This is the year to be known for exactly what it is we are. So here’s hoping that the bed we’ve all made up to this point is one we wish to lie in.

We as a race, we don’t need a third-party “Illuminati Monster” to point out to us where our foibles are. We don’t need to buy into the mythology of mass calculated extinction to get our collective act together. Though archetypes such as “the bad guy” seem to illustrate to humanity what it is that we wish we could transcend, we must be careful to not bring to life The Bad Guy by telling the story so many times — it becomes our reality. Sometimes, reality is weird enough to simply speak for itself.

For instance, in the spirit of 2013’s truth energy, according to the Clairvoyant spy-cam, the following “conspiracies” have actual merit and / or are true:

Area 51 / ET’s
The God Gene
Genetically modified super-flu’s
United States “2008 Recession”
…to name a few

You’ll note these aren’t executed by a faceless evil Illuminati brigade, lest our government and corporate America is now the Illuminati, which, as we’ve discussed — the Illuminati doesn’t do “governments”. It’s time we adjusted our perception. It’s time we owned our own ugliness rather than creating a new member of the cast to carry the burden.

Perception is our reality. And our perception is governed by what we choose to accept or not accept. We build a group perception based upon group mores, ideals, needs, and fears. If we choose to eliminate the “fears” part, then our future will be dramatically transfixed forever, marking the time in history where humanity began to learn from JOY — rather than lack and limitation.

So say us all.

About danielleegnew

Named "Psychic of the Year" by UFO's and Supernatural Magazine, Danielle Egnew is an internationally-known Psychic, Medium and Angelic Channel whose work has been featured on national TV (NBC, ABC, TNT, USA) as well as in the Washington Post and Huffington Post. She has provided content consultant services for the CW's hit series "Supernatural" and the blockbuster film "Man of Steel". Danielle is also an author, teacher, and TV / radio host in the field of metaphysics. She anchors her private practice in the Big Sky Country of Montana, residing with her wife and their daughter.
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5 Responses to Conspiracies: What’s True, What’s Almost True, and What’s Garbage

  1. Jody Johnson says:

    Thank you for sharing this Danielle! If people would just use their common sense and educate themselves–even a little–when coming across these “conspiracy theories,” they wouldn’t be frightened by most of the “BS” stories that come through mass media. Checking facts and first-hand experience doesn’t seem to be a strong point where the public is concerned and thus, paranoia sets in. It truly is a shame that people want to believe the worst case scenario instead of finding out the truth for themselves.
    J Johnson, Billings, MT.

  2. Jacque Michael says:

    Excellent article, Danielle. I agree with most of it…and the other stuff I am now thinking about. I met someone a few years ago who lives to fightthe “Illu” and bad spirits. I told her that I refused to. Then I found out some truths and realized that I really didn’t need to. As far as I know, shestill does this “fighting” to this day…I don’t know and, quite frankly, don’t want to know. (She even fights in her sleep and is proud of it.) I am gladthat I met her though. I learned many good life lessons from her. So thanks for this email. Rock on. Jacque P.S. From what I have heard, this woman has lost her job, her friends, her daughter, her dog, her job, her house and her mental and physical health, all within a year. She must feel like Custer about this time, although I sense that she still hasn’t caught on. One of the valuable lessons I have learned from this? Don’t taunt spirits…live in the light.

    Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 13:25:42 +0000 To:

  3. thomes898 says:

    Hi, Danielle: The Devil’s most effective lie is: “The Devil does not exist”. Okay, dear lady, that just a counter-ploy joke; well, sort-of. I agree; most conspiracy theories are rubbish. Again, there is the best place to hide a book(?)–in a library. Where is the best place to hide a bastard child(?)–in an orphanage. I hold onto two “pet” conspiracy theories: the assassination of J.F.K. and the 9/11 event. Again, the “facts” of these events, that are cited as proof, are so numerous and so muddled that one is disinclined to believe those events were results of conspiracies; one might even be inclined to think that those events may have happened just as they were reported. I am not so inclined. Some people have gone to a much trouble to manufacture that mountain of so-called evidence to bury the facts. The bottom line is– Motive. J.F.K. wrote that–in a free society there is no place for the C.I.A. Today, after his murder, the C.I.A. still exists. The 9/11 event panicked the U.S. Congress* into abrogating the civil rights and liberties of American citizens into passing acts that, anyone may be: arrested without being told the charges, denied the help of an attorney, lose all his possessions [confiscated as “evidence”], held in prison for the rest of his life, and denied a trial (“Patriot” Act and Home “Security” Act). That crushing force may now, be brought on any person on the charge that “he is a threat to national security”. *P.S. Has the U.S. Congress not learned anything from history(?); after the, 27th February, 1933, Nazi arson of the Reichstag (Q.v.), the German government (president) abrogated most of the civil liberties and rights of its citizens for the same reasons: “Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten zum Schutz von Volk und Staat” (“By order of the President of the Government for the security of the people and government”– issued by German President, Paul von Hindenburg). That decree nullified most of the civil rights and liberties of German citizens.–R.T. Thomes (Amsterdam)

  4. Hi, Danielle: The Devil’s most effective lie is: “The Devil does not exist”. Okay, dear lady, that is just a counter-ploy joke; well, sort-of. I agree; most conspiracy theories are rubbish. Again, there is the best place to hide a book(?)–in a library. Where is the best place to hide a bastard child(?)–in an orphanage. I hold onto two “pet” conspiracy theories: the assassination of J.F.K. and the 9/11 event. Again, the “facts” of these events, that are cited as proof, are so numerous and so muddled that one is disinclined to believe those events were results of conspiracies; one might even be inclined to think that those events may have happened just as they were reported. I am not so inclined. Some people have gone to a much trouble to manufacture that mountain of so-called evidence to bury the facts. The bottom line is– Motive. J.F.K. wrote that–in a free society there is no place for the C.I.A. Today, after his murder, the C.I.A. still exists. The 9/11 event panicked the U.S. Congress* into abrogating the civil rights and liberties of American citizens into passing acts that, anyone may be: arrested without being told the charges, denied the help of an attorney, lose all his possessions [confiscated as “evidence”], held in prison for the rest of his life, and denied a trial (“Patriot” Act and Home “Security” Act). That crushing force may now, be brought on any person on the charge that “he is a threat to national security”. *P.S. Has the U.S. Congress not learned anything from history(?); after the, 27th February, 1933, Nazi arson of the Reichstag (Q.v.), the German government (president) abrogated most of the civil liberties and rights of its citizens for the same reasons: “Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten zum Schutz von Volk und Staat” (“By order of the President of the Government for the security of the people and government”– issued by German President, Paul von Hindenburg). That decree nullified most of the civil rights and liberties of German citizens.–R.T. Thomes (Amsterdam)

  5. chery says:

    Thanks, you are always informative. Just hate the chem trail thing because I can “see” it. Must be an artist thing. I get so much info through my eyeballs. We are in AZ hope to visit some vortex spots on the way home. Sure beats the cold in MT too! Hope all is well with you and yours. chery

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